making the cut™

Are you ready to get unstuck and reach your business goals?
Take the MTC® QuizWhat is MTC?

What is Making the Cut?

Are your efforts not getting the results they used to, even though you are working as hard as ever? Can you not put your finger on the reason?

Then you are in good company. Many of the most successful entrepreneur owners and executive leaders reach this plateau. 

As a former Fortune 500® Executive, and now a Business Strategist, Coach, and LinkedIn Expert, Ken discovered that there are 6 simple keys for creating independent, accountable teams that share your organization’s vision, communicate effectively, and solve their own problems.

What We Can Accomplish Together

Step 1

Move well beyond the current plateau.

Step 2

Get the entire team 100% on the same page.

Step 3

Create a clear path to growth.

Case Study:

Curtis Ray 

The CEO/Founder of MPI Unlimited® speaks to his journey increasing employees by 15X and revenue by 50X. Curtis counts his coaching relationship as key to making great tactical and strategic decisions in both the short and long term.

Would you like to grow like Curtis?

The 6 Simple Keys to Building Independent, Accountable Teams

  • Communicate  Tailored to your audience, delivered consistently, in an ongoing process of transparency.
  • Delegate Your growth toward working ON versus IN the business means you trust others with tasks in their wheelhouse.
  • Motivate Drop your pom-poms; winning hearts-and-minds is about knowing what makes them tick (and what ticks them off).
  • Recruit Finding talent happens long before there’s an opening. If you don’t know ‘who’ you’re looking for, you’ll probably hire them (a take on Yogi Berra).
  • Collaborate If you’ve ever said, ‘can’t they get along without me in the room?’, then it’s time to take the dysfunction out of your “work family”.

  • Develop Help them grow, or watch them go. Development yields productivity, motivation, and morale.    

How Healthy Is Your Team?

Take 5 minutes for this complimentary quiz to find out!

You will see your results immediately. We can then explore them during our 15 minute, no-obligation, Meet & Greet.

Quiz: Are you Making the Cut™?

Three Steps to Accountable Success:

  1. Schedule a Breakthrough Strategy Session.
  2. Follow the coaching journey to proactive, disciplined, action.
  3. Reap the rewards that come from intentional, holistic, decisions.

What Is A Break Through Strategy Session?

This complimentary consultation led by your Coach is a complete experience to demonstrate what Leader’s Cut can deliver with our offerings.

  • You will be profiled using Talent Dynamics – to be debriefed in session, assuring unique insight.
  • After scheduling time, you will be presented with a full tour of the coaching portal, giving tone and texture to how we would work together.
  • As we become familiar with one another in session, we will also quantify Mindset & Momentum for your business and/or career.

    What To Expect:

    The Breakthrough Strategy Session A complimentary introduction to all that Leader’s Cut: The Ken Kilday Coaching Experience has to offer. We get to know one another, apply several coaching tools, and give a tour of the coaching portal. Your investment of time and information is to determine ROI for you and your business.

    Discovery Day We meet for a full day to decide who is responsible for what, what you’re trying to accomplish, get great at communication, and set top priorities. We also solve issues – permanently, and track critical numbers. Afterward, the team spends 30 days using what they’ve learned to experience the difference.

    Momentum Day We gather for another full day to review Discovery Day tools (not rules) to ensure maximization. We then begin to use the Mindset & Momentum planner to address who, what, when, where, and why of your organization. As before, the team spends 30 days applying these tools to experience further improvement.

    Mindset Day During our second full day dedicated to Vision, Mission, & Purpose, we validate our mastery of Discovery Day tools, round out our responses in Mindset & Momentum tool, and prioritize Rocks for the next 90 days. Now that your leadership team is all on the same page, we will focus on execution for the next 90 days using the tools we’ve been practicing. 

    AlgoRhythm™ Quarterly Meeting Creating meetings that matter means committing to a full day with your leadership team every quarter to assess, validate, and decide on priorities for the next quarter. This includes discovering, discussing, and dissolving the problems that stand in the way of your success. This is now YOUR unique, disciplined process intrinsic to your success.

    Astralogy Annual Planning Offsite Stepping away to think about and work *on* rather than *in* the business, this two-day event with your leadership team sets up the quarter and the year for a healthy, successful outcome.

    The Result

    A successful, self-running team that shares your organization’s Vision, Communicates with one another, and permanently Solves their own problems.

    Making The Cut™ Automates with

    A Platform that helps teams build great companies using Making the Cut™ Operating System.

    Ninety is the central hub for remote, hybrid, and in-person teams that want to thrive. Work smarter and more effectively - together. Click below for your free trial.

    mountain mojo group involved in group business coaching activity from leaders cut

    Tools, Not Rules

    You’ve read the books that claim if you use THEIR system, EXACTLY as prescribed, you’ll reach business-nirvana. And they say, you can do it yourself!

    But you know your business, know that one size does NOT fit all, and the last thing you have is TIME to attempt placing a square peg in a round hole.

    How about a strategy that fits YOUR business?

    Every human skeleton has 206 bones, no more, no less; yet every one of us is unique. Making the Cut™ provides the skeleton you need with the flexibility for you to add the ‘flesh’ that makes your organization unique.

    Growth need not be Complex

    Many successful leaders  follow their gut and shoot from the hip, yet also feel frustrated. Here is the first step in getting unstuck.

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